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Getting Started

Install Dependency

First thing is to install huma package into the project. To do that, we can use npm or yarn package managers.


npm install @huma-engineering/ui


yarn add @huma-engineering/ui

Project Setup

Once dependency installed we need to setup project modules. There are multiple options to do that. If it is expected to install all package modules, we can import full HumaUIModule package. Here is an example:

import { HumaUiModule } from '@huma-engineering/ui';

imports: [HumaUiModule]
export class AppModule {}

The other way would be installing only required packages to reduce application dist size. To do that, import specific module into your propect.

import { HumaButton } from '@huma-engineering/ui';

imports: [HumaButton]
export class AppModule {}


There are a multiple ways on how to import required styles for SDK. First way would be importing required style over LESS/SCSS import statement. For that you may edit global style file to include:

@import "@huma-engineering/ui/themes/default/index.less";
@import "@huma-engineering/ui/themes/default/notification.less";

The other way around would be editing angular.json file of the project to include build options with new styles:

"<angular-project-name>": {
"build": {
"options": {
"styles": [


To import all required assets from SDK, we need to modify project angular.json settings. Here is an example how to do that:

"<angular-project-name>": {
"build": {
"options": {
"assets": {
"glob": "**/*",
"input": "./projects/huma-ui/assets",
"output": "/assets/"